Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A How-To Guide For New Web Designers

This article can be used if you are a web designer new or old, or if you want an idea of the things you should or shouldn't be asking your web designer to place on your website. Firstly, you have a site because its convenient, quick, easy, maneuverable and you can get a lot of use out of it right? Plus it's ultimately a "picture" of you. Since people can't visually see you, the website speaks for you. It doesn't really seem to matter if you have the best product known to man, if the website your running is poorly designed, you won't be able to even sell one item because, visitors will be driven off by the horrible design!

When people talk about good design, they aren't only talking about it in a graphical sense. They are talking about an over all sense of design such as interface, layout, accessibility, user-friendly, colors, etc. Listed below I have noted some features of some of the worst designs I have come across over the years. And this isn't just Kristi's Worst Of, these features are on a lot of other people's lists as well.. so take heed! Listen up and pay attention, you could very well have some of the features on your site right now! Oh the humanity!

Font - 
Your font on your site should be legible and sized correctly. Don't make it so big that it literally makes people cross-eyed, but also don't make it so small that people need to get out their magnifying glass! There is a happy medium with font. If you can't pick a good font face or size, ask a friend, they will be more than willing to tell you the truth. Just don't ask a loved one like a girlfriend or mom, chances are they will lie!

Pop-Ups - 
In a lot of cases I'll let this go because I understand this is a scheme to either make you money, or a way to make me want to join your list. But keep the pop-ups to a minimum and please make sure they aren't "adult" pop-ups. The last thing I need nor want is to be on a site about flowers, all intent on concentrating on the screen, when *POP* an adult site comes out from no where! Not good! Not PG! Not professional at all! Also, make sure if possible to set your "pop-ups" on a timer. Sites like aweber will allow you to send X amount of pop-ups to the same visitor X amount of time for X amount of days. Make good use of this option.

Background Music - 
There is an exception to every rule. Most people say nay to background music I say yay as long as it follows these stipulations; No "fairyland" or "fairytale" music. That is just annoying. No rock n roll, head banging, screaming music. If you are going to have music on your site, make sure its "calming" music. No I'm not talking about elevator music! I'm just talking about instrumental, soft, calming music. Or if you want to take the characteristic of your personality, and do a little ditty, that's cool too. Try some low energy, soothing techno/dance music. Just make sure it's tasteful!

In concluding this article, let me remind you that as a webmaster your job is to make sure your website does what it's meant to do effectively. Don't let some minor mistakes stop your site from functioning optimally!

This author is a HUGE fan of New York Website Designer

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