Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Instantaneous, Consistent Website Profits - All With the Addition of One Dirt Simple Web Page!

If you dream of nothing besides consistent website profits...if the notions of your cash register needing to be replaces every week due to overuse gets you wildly excited then you had better read each and every word here!

While the internet community continues to re-invent the marketing wheel every six seconds, what is being lost in the fray is the UNDERSTANDING of how people really buy things on the web. If you are looking to make outrageous, consistent web profits, then you need to immediately focus on one thing and one thing only...and that is your CONVERSIONS!

Are you buying great web traffic and seeing little or no sales?

Of course you are.

And that's because you are HAPHAZARDLY throwing those wonderful (expensive) people at your home page and you are crossing your fingers hoping they'll buy.


Your prospects need to be WARMED UP BEFORE THEY BUY, GUYS!

They need more info. You are asking the girl you just met not on a dat but if she'll spend the next 49 years with you.


You need an intermediary page that gets your prospects so EXCITED and so desperate for you to tell them more that they are willing to give your their name and email so that you can start a relationship with them! If it takes multiple exposures of your stuff for them to get comfortable enough to buy from you (it does) then you need CONSTANT COMMUNICATION!

You need to ask that woman to dance before you ask her to marry you. If you are going to get consistent website profits, then you need to play this game the right way.

So why isn't every web owner doing this if it's all been proven to work?

Time and expertise.

We have both. And we build web pages that will astound you on a host of different levels.

Kevin Browne is a former Creative Director and Senior Copywriter at agencies including J Walter Thompson, McCann Erickson and Young and Rubicam. Kevin now runs WhitehavenWeb.com where he shows web owners how to FINALLY earn money online.

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